Ellie Elise


Should Authors Have to “Market Themselves”?

Such good advice!

Kristen Lamb's Blog

"Crap. Revisions tore my hose. But I need to sell more books and 'market myself'…" “Crap. Revisions tore my hose. But I need to sell more books and get out and ‘market myself’…”
Image via Darwin Bell, Flickr Creative Commons.

All right, don’t stone me, but I feel some of the marketing “buzz words” range from terrifying to annoying to outright offensive. For instance, every time I read “target your demographic” or “target your readers” I wonder if this comes with a Predator Drone or at least a laser sight.

I don’t know about you guys, but I get creeped out being “targeted.” It makes it seem we (seller and consumer) are opponents—one the cunning victor and the other the hapless dupe who landed in the marketing crosshairs.

But the one that’s gotten my hackles up over the past week or so is when writers are beating themselves up. They write things in my comments like, “I know need to try harder to market myself”…

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2 comments on “Should Authors Have to “Market Themselves”?

  1. Elizabeth Krall
    March 22, 2014

    I wish I knew the key to getting book publicity, particularly on a marketing budget of exactly zero dollars!

    • Ellie
      March 22, 2014

      I wish I knew too! I think making connections on social media is one of the few zero-dollar ways. It’s takes a lot of time though.

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This entry was posted on March 19, 2014 by .
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